Here are several comprehensive metabolic panel blood test results for you to look at. Observe the components that make up a CMP blood test and what doctors are looking for when requesting persons to get a CMP blood test.
Test results for a female age 15. Notice the results are normal as all parameters are inside the normal range.Results for a female age 50. Glucose, Bun/Crea Ratio, Total Protein, and ALT are all high. Male age 52. Results are normal.Results for male 54 years of age. All parameters are within the normal range.Male of age 55. Results are normal.Male 55 years of age. eGFR and Total Cholesterol are low, and Total Bilirubin is high.
NOTE: The analyzers and reference ranges used by different laboratories may vary. Therefore, there may be some differences in how the result from one lab looks as compared to another.
Here are some Thyroid Function Test result pictures for your perusal.
Test result for a female age 78. T4 (Thyroxine) is high.
Result for female age 83. Normal results. All parameters within...
Blood tests are one of the most common medical procedures, used to diagnose and monitor countless health conditions. For most people, a blood test is quick, straightforward, and relatively painless....