Below are several CBC blood test result pictures for your perusal. If you want to know what a CBC blood test result look like, what parameters of a CBC doctors are looking at, the ranges of a CBC, or what a normal or abnormal test result look like, you have come to the right place. The pictures below show both male and female CBC blood test results.
CBC Blood Test Results (Female)
Test result for a female of age 47. In this result we see more than one parameter outside the normal range. WBC, RBC, HGB, and HCT are low and RDW and Monocytes% are high.Result for female of age 50. All parameters are inside the normal range. The blood test result is normal. Female of age 61. WBC are low and Lymphoctyes% are high. Result is abnormal.Female age 64. Blood test is normal. All parameters are in range.Female age 65. RBC are high and HGB, MCV, MCH, and MCHC are low. Test results are abnormal.Female of age 66. WBC, RBC, HGB, and HCT are low. Blood test is abnormal.
CBC Blood Test Results (Male)
Male of age 28. Blood test result is normal.Result for male age 48. MCV and MCH are low, making test result abnormal.Male of age 55. All parameters are within range, making the test normal.Male age 66. Only Monocytes# are outside the normal range. In this result it’s low.Result for male age 67. WBC and MCH are low, and Lymphocytes% and Monocytes% are high. Test is abnormal.In this one several parameters are outside the normal range. HGB, HCT, and MCH are low, and Platelets and Granulocytes# are high.
NOTE: The analyzers and reference ranges used by different laboratories may vary. Therefore, there may be some differences in how the result from one lab looks as compared to another.
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