If you have ever been involved in collecting blood samples, you know that the job is not done after the blood has been drawn. There is the labeling and transporting of the samples that have to be...
Category: Phlebotomy Info
Improve Your Phlebotomy Skills: A Guide to Further Training and Resources
Do you enjoy drawing blood or are you interested in improving your phlebotomy skills? Whether you're a newbie or you have been drawing blood for a while, there's always room for improvement and...
Verifying a person’s details is just about the first step you take when going to perform a blood draw. It is so important that the labs being drawn are for the right patient. I mean if you...
Let’s talk about something that might not be the most pleasant topic but is super important: preventing needlestick and sharp injuries. First off, let’s talk about what exactly needlestick...
Of course, I have seen both kids and adults afraid of needles. This one man made me stop three times as I was about to poke him on one occasion because he feared the needle. Conquering the...
For decades now, drawing blood from a vein, has been the main way of obtaining a blood sample to run clinical tests to determine one's health or to monitor a health condition. This method has...